Do you need a recruitment agency to find talents in Hungary?

Do you need a recruitment agency to find talents in Hungary?

Recruiting in Hungary: why it became so hard?

Hungary, particularly characterized as a candidate-driven market, presents unique challenges and opportunities for employers seeking to hire. Recruitment agencies play a pivotal role in bridging the gap between employers and potential candidates. This blog post delves into the essence of cooperating with recruitment agencies in Hungary, the implications of it being a candidate-driven market, and the contrasting challenges faced in urban and rural settings.

Understanding "candidate-driven" markets

In a candidate-driven market like Hungary, the demand for qualified professionals surpasses the supply. Candidates often have multiple offers to consider, granting them the leverage to be selective and commanding higher salary expectations. This scenario contrasts with non-candidate driven markets, where employers hold the upper hand due to a surplus of candidates.

Why Recruitment Agencies?:

Recruitment agencies in Hungary are seasoned in navigating this competitive landscape. They are adept at identifying and enticing potential candidates, even those not actively seeking new opportunities. The value they bring, especially in a candidate-scarce market, is significant in ensuring that companies secure the right talent that aligns with their needs and culture.

Success Fees and Structure:

Given the demanding nature of the Hungarian market, recruitment agencies usually charge success fees ranging from 16% to 25% of the candidate's annual salary. These fees are reflective of the extensive efforts and resources invested in sourcing, vetting, and securing candidates amidst stiff competition.

Budapest vs. Countryside:

The dynamics in Budapest are intriguing. While there is a greater pool of candidates, the competition among employers is intense, making the recruitment process highly competitive. Conversely, in the countryside, large automotive or manufacturing companies dominate the landscape, with fewer qualified candidates available. Here, small to medium-sized businesses (SMBs) often find it challenging to attract talent, as candidates usually lean towards larger, more established companies.

Challenges and Solutions:

  1. High Demand, Low Supply:

    • Challenge: The high demand for skilled professionals in specific sectors creates a scarcity.
    • Solution: Recruitment agencies utilize extensive networks and innovative strategies to tap into passive candidates and present a broader talent pool.
  2. Urban Competition:

    • Challenge: The dense employer market in Budapest heightens the competition.
    • Solution: Agencies employ targeted approaches and offer market insights to help companies position themselves attractively to prospective employees.
  3. Rural Limitations:

    • Challenge: SMBs in rural areas struggle to attract candidates who prefer large companies.
    • Solution: Recruitment agencies craft compelling employer branding and value propositions to appeal to candidates seeking opportunities in less urbanized regions.

Drawing some conclusions before start recruiting:

 Partnering with a recruitment agency in Hungary is a strategic move in navigating the intricate candidate-driven market. The distinct challenges posed by the urban-rural divide necessitate a nuanced approach, which experienced agencies are equipped to provide. While success fees might seem substantial, the value derived from securing the right talent in such a competitive environment is immeasurable. Employers seeking to thrive in Hungary's dynamic market will find a recruitment agency to be an invaluable ally in attracting and retaining top-tier talent.

Choosing a reliable agency: 

Are you an employer seeking to navigate the recruitment landscape in Hungary successfully? Contact RED. Recruitment & Human Services, a leading recruitment agency in Hungary, to leverage our expertise and innovative solutions in securing the ideal candidates for your needs.
